The E.U.R.E.K.A. IDEA check
I've been doing a lot of research these days into the 'world of the idea'. Where do ideas come from? What is creativity? And when is an (advertising) idea a good idea?
Somebody told me once that to make 1 or 2 good ideas you have to produce about 80 to 100 ideas in general. But how do you find this one great idea in your list of 80? Experience, I guess. Some intuition of course. Imagination maybe, by dreaming up the execution of your ideas.
But apart from that, are there any hard criteria to sum up that every good idea should measure? When is an idea a good idea?
Here's my attempt. I call it the E.U.R.E.K.A. IDEA check. The 6 letters of the word stand for the 6 criteria (in Dutch).
Eenvoudig. Simple. The idea is unaffected and simple to explain. It's easy to understand and easy to pass on.
Uniek. Unique. The idea is one of a kind. It's inalienable and not exchangeable. It perfectly suits this particular goal of this particular organisation with this particular target group.
Relevant. Relevant. The idea makes sense. It actually helps the people for which it is made. It facilitates an existing want or need.
Effectief. Effective. The idea does what it has to do. It is a clear and useful answer to a distinct question. And it will provably and measurably add value.
Kansrijk. Promising. The idea has sufficient chances to succeed. The timing for it seems right, the execution is very well possible and there is the right network of people to work on it.
Aanstekelijk. Contagious. The idea is catching. Individuals and (mass)media want to pass it on.
Try this check on your ideas. See if it makes any sense. And please let me know.
I think it is a good idea that you started this blog. I like what you are writing.